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[粵語] Jeremy 李駿傑@MIRROR新個人單曲《Villain》MV

[粵語] Jeremy 李駿傑@MIRROR新個人單曲《Villain》MV

MIRROR Channel
September 30 at 8:00 PM

Jeremy 李駿傑

Feeling like a villain
曲 | Daniel Toh / musicbyAP
詞 | 梁栢堅 / Daniel Toh / musicbyAP
編 | Daniel Toh / musicbyAP
監 | 王雙駿

02.10.2024 12:00 叱咤樂壇首播

02.10.2024 13:00 各大音樂平台上架

02.10.2024 21:00 MIRROR YouTube Channel MV

*All songs, lyrics, images and video clips on this forum are provided for educational purposes.
*All songs, lyrics, images and video clips are the property and copyright of their owners.


[ 本帖最後由 etKitty 於 2024-10-25 09:29 PM 編輯 ]


《Villain》.jpg(604.6 KB)

2024-10-8 05:53 PM


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Villain · Jeremy 李駿傑

作曲:Daniel Toh / musicbyAP
填詞:梁栢堅 / Daniel Toh / musicbyAP
編曲:Daniel Toh / musicbyAP



[ 本帖最後由 etKitty 於 2024-10-8 06:16 PM 編輯 ]

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Villain ,一個惡棍。成為惡棍,條件有兩個:忠於自己,和傷害別人。



作曲:Daniel Toh / musicbyAP
填詞:梁栢堅 / Daniel Toh / musicbyAP
編曲:Daniel Toh / musicbyAP

Feeling like a villain (yeah yeah)
不理一切   繼續旅程
(From the backseat) (Wait what)
Yeah I’m talking more than feelings (yes I do)
心水最清   我不會剎停

我看厭 虛虛 假假 爭爭 鬥鬥 通通 使我氣喘  (Figured out the game)
我進化 開開 心心 閃閃 快快 活活 就如轉圈 (yeah you got that right)

最璀璨  焦點在最中間(耀眼人間)
能璀璨  登頂就要高攀(在這晚)

Yeah it’s my villain era It’s my time
別理它生死  悲喜
Do a little wink, little dance to catch ya
不三不四  不枉費心機
白費心機  自製歡喜
It’s my era

Feeling like a villain (yeah yeah)
不理一切   繼續旅程
(From the backseat) (Wait what)
Yeah I’m talking more than feelings (yes I do)
心水最清   我不會剎停

我最怕 追追 趕趕 推推 跌跌 撞撞 令人耗損  (Figured out the game)
我探索 兜兜 轉轉 闖闖 挫挫 敗敗 經已看穿 (yeah you got that right)

I’m a tough boy, be a real boy.
Do you wanna join me?  Have real joy.
If you like it, come and get it.
Everybody knows it,  just a gambit.
I’m a tough boy,  be a real boy.
Do you wanna join me?  Have real joy.
If you like it, come and get it.
Everybody knows it,  just a gambit.

Yeah it’s my villain era It’s my time
別理它生死  悲喜
Do a little wink, little dance to catch ya
不三不四  不枉費心機
白費心機  自製歡喜
It’s my era

自動調味 不喜 乏味
Come on baby Imma show you how (yeah)
坐我專機  直接登機
It’s my era

Feeling like a villain (yeah yeah)  
不理一切   繼續旅程
(From the backseat) (Wait what)
Yeah I’m talking more than feelings (yes I do)
心水最清   我不會剎停 (you got that right)


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Jeremy 李駿傑 《Villain》 Official Music Video


Feeling like a villain (yeah yeah)
不理一切   繼續旅程
(From the backseat) (Wait what)
Yeah I’m talking more than feelings (yes I do)
心水最清   我不會剎停

我看厭 虛虛 假假 爭爭 鬥鬥 通通 使我氣喘  (Figured out the game)
我進化 開開 心心 閃閃 快快 活活 就如轉圈 (yeah you got that right)

最璀璨  焦點在最中間(耀眼人間)
能璀璨  登頂就要高攀(在這晚)

Yeah it’s my villain era It’s my time
別理它生死  悲喜
Do a little wink, little dance to catch ya
不三不四  不枉費心機
白費心機  自製歡喜
It’s my era

Feeling like a villain (yeah yeah)
不理一切   繼續旅程
(From the backseat) (Wait what)
Yeah I’m talking more than feelings (yes I do)
心水最清   我不會剎停

我最怕 追追 趕趕 推推 跌跌 撞撞 令人耗損  (Figured out the game)
我探索 兜兜 轉轉 闖闖 挫挫 敗敗 經已看穿 (yeah you got that right)

I’m a tough boy, be a real boy.
Do you wanna join me?  Have real joy.
If you like it, come and get it.
Everybody knows it,  just a gambit.
I’m a tough boy,  be a real boy.
Do you wanna join me?  Have real joy.
If you like it, come and get it.
Everybody knows it,  just a gambit.

Yeah it’s my villain era It’s my time
別理它生死  悲喜
Do a little wink, little dance to catch ya
不三不四  不枉費心機
白費心機  自製歡喜
It’s my era

自動調味 不喜 乏味
Come on baby Imma show you how (yeah)
坐我專機  直接登機
It’s my era

Feeling like a villain (yeah yeah)  
不理一切   繼續旅程
(From the backseat) (Wait what)
Yeah I’m talking more than feelings (yes I do)
心水最清   我不會剎停 (you got that right)


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Jeremy李駿傑新歌《Villain》不理世俗目光 繼續忠於自己 MV形象跳脫 一改妖魅形象



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《Villain》Jeremy Lee 李駿傑丨MATCHICAL LIVE 2024



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